Chemistry All these questions and answers are from the AQA AS Chemistry textbook. 0.0 / 5 ? ChemistryCalculationsASAQA Created by: 10robertslCreated on: 07-06-16 15:59 What is the moles equation for moles of a solid? Moles=mass/Mr 1 of 15 What is the moles equation for moles in a liquid? Moles = conc. x vol(dm^3) 2 of 15 How many particles are there in a mole? 6.02x10^23 aka Avogadro's constant 3 of 15 How many cm^3 are there in a dm^3 1000 4 of 15 What is the ideal gas equation? pV=nRT where n=number of moles 5 of 15 What is a standard solution? Any solution you know the exact concentration of 6 of 15 What piece of equipment would you use to measure a set volume of an acid/alkali for a titration? Pipette 7 of 15 What is the end point of a titration? The point where the indicator changes colour, enough acid to neutralise the alkali 8 of 15 What does the empirical formula represent? Smallest whole number ratio of atoms in a moecule 9 of 15 What does the molecular formula represent? Actual number of atoms in a molecule 10 of 15 What is the theoretical yield? The mass of product that should e formed in a chemical reation 11 of 15 What is the formula for percentage yield? actual yield/theoretical yield x100 12 of 15 What is meant by atom economy? A measure of the proportion of reactant atoms that become a part of the desired product 13 of 15 What are the advantages from a process with high atom economy? Better for environment, less expensive, 14 of 15 What is the formula for calculating atom economy? molecular mass of desired product/sum of molecular masses of all reactant x 100 15 of 15
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