Chemistry 1.5 rate of chemical change 0.0 / 5 ? Chemistryrate of chemical changeGCSEWJEC Created by: Liam100109Created on: 23-05-24 16:39 What four factors affect rate of reaction temperature concentration surface area catalysists 1 of 10 what is the equation for rate of reaction amount of reactans used devided by time 2 of 10 What are the three main methods to colleect data collecting ad measuring volume of gas measuring change of mass during reaction measuring precipitation 3 of 10 How does temperature affect rate of reaction particles have more energy, causing more collisions 4 of 10 how does concentartion affect rate of reaction There are more reactant particles which causes more collisions than if there were less 5 of 10 How does surface area affect rate of reaction particles in the solution will have more area to react with caausing more successful collisions. 6 of 10 What is a catalyst a substance that increases the speed of reaction without being used up. 7 of 10 What are enzymes biological catalysts made from proteins 8 of 10 What are advantages of catallysts rarely need to be replaced speed up reactions 9 of 10 what are dissadvantages of catalysts expensive 10 of 10
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