How are other gases or particulates released into the atmosphere, with an example?
Humans (cars) and Natural disasters (Volcanos)
2 of 6
What was the early earth formed by?
3 of 6
How did evolution affect atmosphere?
Photosynthesizing organisms added oxygen and removed carbon dioxide.
4 of 6
How human activity has changed the composition of the atmosphere?
Small amounts of carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide and extra carbon dioxide and small particles of solids (eg carbon) to the atmosphere
5 of 6
How do pollutants affect humans directly and indirectly?
Directly harmful to humans - carbon monoxide reduces the amount of oxygen that blood can carry. Indirectly Harmful to humans - sulfur dioxide causes acid rain.
6 of 6
Other cards in this set
Card 2
How are other gases or particulates released into the atmosphere, with an example?
Humans (cars) and Natural disasters (Volcanos)
Card 3
What was the early earth formed by?
Card 4
How did evolution affect atmosphere?
Card 5
How human activity has changed the composition of the atmosphere?
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