The amount of product formed and reactant used over a period of time.
1 of 10
What factors affect the Rate of reaction?
The temperature, Concentration, Pressure of reacting gases, Surface area of reacting solids and the use of catalyst
2 of 10
How do Chemical reactions happen?
Chemical reactions can only happen if reactant particles collide with enough energy. The more frequently particles collide, and the greater the proportion of collisions with enough energy, the greater the rate of reaction.
3 of 10
How surface area affects the Rate of reaction?
For a reaction to occur, particles must collide together.By increasing the surface area we have increased the frequency of successful collisions.
4 of 10
How concentration affect the Rate of reaction?
It makes the reactant particles more crowded, there is a greater chance of the particles colliding and it increases the Rate of reaction.
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How can Pressure affect the Rate of reaction?
By increasing the pressure we increase the frequency of success collisions between the particles.
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What is an Exothermic reaction?
A reaction where temperature increases and heat is realeased.
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What is an Endothermic reaction?
A reaction where heat is absorbed, temperature is decreased and the reaction gets colder.
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What is a Catalyst?
A catalyst is a substance which changes the rate of reaction but is unchanged at the end of the reaction.
9 of 10
How Temperature can affect the Rate of reaction?
If the Temperature is increased the reactant particles move more quickly, they have more energy, the particles collide more often and the rate of reaction increases.
10 of 10
Other cards in this set
Card 2
What factors affect the Rate of reaction?
The temperature, Concentration, Pressure of reacting gases, Surface area of reacting solids and the use of catalyst
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