Chem 2 Chem 2 3.0 / 5 based on 5 ratings ? ChemistryFunctional GroupsASAll boards Created by: NaomiCreated on: 18-03-11 16:38 How is fermentation to make ethanol made more efficient? Air tight, a compromise temperature of 35 degrees 1 of 8 what catalyst is used during the hydration of ethene? phosphoric acid 2 of 8 What are primary alcohols oxidised to? aldehydes 3 of 8 Alcohols burn completely to carbon dioxide and water is enough oxygen is availble? True 4 of 8 what reagent to we use to oxidise aldehydes to ketones? acidified potassium dichromate 5 of 8 Ketones can be oxidised further? False 6 of 8 What class of alcohols id propan-2-ol Secondary 7 of 8 What catalyst do we use for dehydration reactions? hot conc. H2s04 or Al203 8 of 8