chem 4.5 / 5 based on 2 ratings ? ChemistryExtracting metals /The reactivity seriesGCSEAQA Created by: Lewys ThomsonCreated on: 06-06-15 09:49 What are thye elements in the central block of the periodic table called? Transition metals. 1 of 7 Can you name two properties which all metals have? Conductors of heat and electricity. 2 of 7 Can you name two metals which are low down in the reactivity series? Gold, silver, copper. 3 of 7 Can you name three uses for metals? Wiring, bridges, car chasis, buildings. 4 of 7 Can you name two properties of Aluminuim? Low density, resistant to corrosion. 5 of 7 Whyat bonds do metals have? Metalic. 6 of 7 Can you name a property and use of lead? Very dense, used for roofing. 7 of 7