Chem 0.0 / 5 ? ChemistryAtomsGCSEAQA Created by: kyle.williams12Created on: 11-03-15 20:46 What are in a Nucleus of a Atom? Neutrons and protons 1 of 22 What charge does a proton have? What charge has a neutron got? What charge does a electron have? Proton- positive Neutron- not charged Electron- negative charge 2 of 22 What is the mass number of a atom? The number of protons and neutrons 3 of 22 What are electrons and what do they do? Electrons are tiny negatively charged particles that move around the nucleus. 4 of 22 Why does a atom have no overall charge? Because the number of protons is equal to the number of electrons and their charges are equal and opposite(proton +1 and electron -1 5 of 22 How do you work out the number of protons? Atomic number 6 of 22 How do you work out the number of electrons? number of protons 7 of 22 How do you work out the number of neutrons? mass number-atomic number. 8 of 22 What happens when different elements combine? They form compounds. 9 of 22 Metal only? Metalic 10 of 22 Metal and Non Metal? Ionic 11 of 22 Non Metal and Non Metal? Covalent 12 of 22 How do we get Limestone? Quarry it, blast it out. 13 of 22 Name the uses of Limestone? To neutralise lakes and soils, building material, calcium oxide and cement. 14 of 22 How do you make concrete? Mix cement with sand, aggregate and water. 15 of 22 Limestone is mainly...... Calcium carbonate(CaCo3) 16 of 22 What happens if you heat Limestone strongly? It decomposes to make calcium oxide and carbon dioxide. 17 of 22 What happens when you add water to calcium oxide? It reacts to make calcium hydroxide. 18 of 22 How do you make cement? limestone is mixed with clay and heated strongly in a kiln. 19 of 22 How do you make mortar? Mix cement sand and water. 20 of 22 What are the negative effects on quarrying limestone? It leaves big holes in the ground. A lot of noise is made. Pollution is made due to the machinery. Kills wildlife homes 21 of 22 What are the advantages of quarrying limestone? Can leave places for wildlife homes. Makes jobs for people. We need the limestone that's quarried. 22 of 22
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