Chemistry 0.0 / 5 ? ChemistryEmisssion and Absorption spectraASWJEC Created by: charlouisherCreated on: 18-04-14 13:13 How is energy and frequency connected? E = hf 1 of 16 How is absorption spectra shown on a spectrometer? Dark lines against a bright background 2 of 16 how does light get removed in absorption spectrometer? light and energy of a photon have the same frequency 3 of 16 how do electrons move in emission spectra? heat or electrical field 4 of 16 what is the source of energy called that is released in emisson spectra? quantum energy 5 of 16 what does the quantum energy do? corresponds to electromagnetic radiation of a specific frequency 6 of 16 how is emission spectra shown on a spectrum? coloured lines on a black background 7 of 16 what are the 3 regions in the hydrogen spectrum? infrared, visible and ultra violet 8 of 16 how does an electron emit energy? falling to a low energy level from a high one 9 of 16 what is this energy? electromagnetic radiation 10 of 16 how is this energy related to energy levels? the emitted radiation is equal to the difference of 2 energy levels 11 of 16 what are the 3 series in the hydrogen spectrum? pashcen, balmer and lyman 12 of 16 what does each line represent in the balmer series? electrons returning to the second shell (n=2) 13 of 16 what is the convergence limit? the point which the energy of an electron is no longer quantised, atom is ionised 14 of 16 where do electrons return to in the lyman series? energy level n=1 15 of 16 what is electron transmission? when an electron moves from one energy level to another 16 of 16
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