Chem Words 0.0 / 5 ? ChemistryKey WordsGCSENone Created by: allybeexCreated on: 12-02-17 11:48 Chemical bond between two non-metals. This bond involves ‘sharing electrons’ Covalent Bond 1 of 10 A chain of monomers linked together to make a long hydrocarbon chain such as polyethene Polymer 2 of 10 A mixture of different metals to create a metal with specific properties. These are often harder than the original metals. Alloy 3 of 10 A metal can conduct a charge because its structure has a sea of … Delocalised Electrons 4 of 10 The mathematical constant that represents the number of atoms in 1 Mole of a substance. Avogodros number 5 of 10 A very small particle on the nanoscale. Nanoparticle 6 of 10 A small chain hydrocarbon that can be linked with other hydrocarbons to form polymer chains. Monomer 7 of 10 A chemical bond between a metals and a non-metal. This bond involves ‘transferring’ electrons. Ionic Bond 8 of 10 Diamond, graphite and silica dioxide are all examples of this type of structure. Giant Covalent Structure 9 of 10 A chemical bond between two metallic atoms. This bond is known for its ability to conduct electricity Metallic Bond 10 of 10
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