Charitable Trusts Cases

  • Created by: mbaines95
  • Created on: 09-03-16 18:00
Re Coulthurst [1951]
Evershed MR said ‘poverty does not mean destitution… it may not be unfairly paraphrased as meaning persons who have to “go short”.
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Re Niyazi’s Will Trusts [1978]
a gift was left as a contribution to cost of building a ‘working men’s hostel’. This was charitable, even though there was no express limitation to those who were poor as the words ‘working men’ and ‘hostel’ indicated those with a lower income.
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Re Hopkins’ Will Trusts [1965]
a trust for promotion of research into finding the Bacon-Shakespeare manuscripts was held charitable. Education must be used in wide sense and extends beyond teaching.
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Thornton v Howe (1862)
trust to promote the writings of Joanne Southcote, was charitable. Provided that trust exists for advancement of religion, court will not say that it fails as charity because it disapproves of its beliefs.
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Re Gnostic Centre (2009)
held that a trust was not charitable.
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The Druid Network
held that it was charitable
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Church of Scientology v Kaufman (1973)
Goff J described objects of the church as ‘pernicious nonsense’.
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Card 2


a gift was left as a contribution to cost of building a ‘working men’s hostel’. This was charitable, even though there was no express limitation to those who were poor as the words ‘working men’ and ‘hostel’ indicated those with a lower income.


Re Niyazi’s Will Trusts [1978]

Card 3


a trust for promotion of research into finding the Bacon-Shakespeare manuscripts was held charitable. Education must be used in wide sense and extends beyond teaching.


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Card 4


trust to promote the writings of Joanne Southcote, was charitable. Provided that trust exists for advancement of religion, court will not say that it fails as charity because it disapproves of its beliefs.


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Card 5


held that a trust was not charitable.


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