Two or more people working together towards a shared goal.
1 of 18
Having a selfless concern for, or willingness to help others even if doing so harms the altruist.
2 of 18
Maximising one's own welfare regardless of the cost to others.
3 of 18
Biological altruism
A theory that suggests altruism is an automatic process whereby an individual's genes drive them to act altruistically for the benefit of the species.
4 of 18
Natural selection
A process of causing evolutionary change over time through which organisms that are better adapted to their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce.
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Evolutionary psychology
A perspective in psychology that seeks to explain human behaviour and cognition as adaptations that have evolved through natural selection.
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Automatic process
A process that doesn't require any effort or deliberation.
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Mycorrhizal networks
Large underground fungal networks along which trees pass nutrients to other trees and saplings.
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Comparative research
When animals are studied to find out about humans.
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The study of animal behaviour under natural conditions. The researcher leaves the animals to behave in as natural a way as possible and documents their behaviour.
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Developmental psychology
A branch of psychology that examines the nature of changes that occur across the lifespan.
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Theory of mind
The ability to recognise that you have mental states- that is thoughts, feelings and beliefs and to understand and infer the mental states of others.
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Cognitive processes
Mental functions that are involved in knowledge acquisition, storage and use. They include attention, perception, learning and problem solving activities.
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Psychological altruism
Psychological altruism is used to describe the motivation to help others for their own sakes where there is no chance of reciprocation.
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Theory building
A process that starts when researchers propose a theory that attempts to explain a phenomenon. This is tested and and retested until a stronger theory emerges that explains the phenomenon more accurately.
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Trolling is where people antagonise others online for example by posting offensive comments.
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Doxing is where people reveal identifying information about someone else online.
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Bystander affect
The theory that bystanders are less likely to help in an emergency when there are other bystanders than in situations when they are alone.
18 of 18
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Having a selfless concern for, or willingness to help others even if doing so harms the altruist.
Card 3
Maximising one's own welfare regardless of the cost to others.
Card 4
A theory that suggests altruism is an automatic process whereby an individual's genes drive them to act altruistically for the benefit of the species.
Card 5
A process of causing evolutionary change over time through which organisms that are better adapted to their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce.
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