black consciousness 0.0 / 5 ? Historysouth africaA2/A-levelEdexcel Created by: hannahnotleyCreated on: 07-04-17 15:29 when was the extension of universities act 1959 1 of 31 which university did most black people go to? Turfloop 2 of 31 when did Bobby Kennedy visit and who invited him 1966 under invite of NUSAS 3 of 31 what year did Biko led a delegation of black students during the NUSAS congress at Rhodes uni? 1967 4 of 31 what did the university refuse? let black students stay on campus and let them use the facilities 5 of 31 when was SASO founded 1869 6 of 31 who was SASO first president Biko 7 of 31 what was added to early africanist ideas from ANC and PAC elements of black and liberation theology 8 of 31 when did direct portuguese control of mozambique end 1974 9 of 31 what was launched 1972 black consciousness movement and a black peoples convention 10 of 31 when did Tiro make a speech at his graduation ceremony? 1972 11 of 31 when was SASO banned 1973 12 of 31 when did leaders of SASO get put on trial for treason? 1975 13 of 31 what did the number of school chidlren rise to in 1975 3.5 million 14 of 31 how many were in an average soweto class 60 15 of 31 what were the names of some of the tsotsis in soweto hazels, dirty dozen and bandidos 16 of 31 when was the teaching of afrikaans in african schools expanded? 1974 17 of 31 when did students march to orlando stadium? 16th June 1976 18 of 31 how many marched and how many police were they confronted by 2,000 marched and were confronted by 50 police 19 of 31 what did the pupils do? attacked govt buildings, kiled two officials and threw up barricades 20 of 31 how many did the police kill in the first few days on protest? 138 21 of 31 when did wits uni students try to burn down the afrikaans department 17th june 22 of 31 what happened 18th june shops and liquor stores in alexandra attacked 23 of 31 what ceased on the 16th june litter collection 24 of 31 who formed the black parents association winnie mandela and dr motlana 25 of 31 how many died in soweto uprising and aftermath? 575 26 of 31 when did local administration declare rise in rent? april 1977 27 of 31 how many youths fled the country 1976-77 4000 28 of 31 where was Biko made to live 1973 kingwilliamstown eastern cape 29 of 31 who was the white editor for the daily dispatch donald woods 30 of 31 when did Biko die 12th september 1977 31 of 31
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