The ... perspective argues that mental disorders arise from intrapsychic conflict that overwhelms the mind's defence mechanisms
1 of 12
The ... perspective asserts that mental disorders have an organic basis, as physical illnesses do
2 of 12
The ... perspective maintains that mental disorders are learned patterns of maladaptive thinking and behaving
Cognitive behavioural
3 of 12
The ... perspective suggests that mental disorders arise from an oversensitivity to the demands of others and because positive regard from others is conditional on meeting those demands
4 of 12
The ... perspective focuses on how cultural variables influence the development of mental disorders and people's subjective reactions to them.
5 of 12
The two major manuals for diagnostic mental disorder are the .... (....,2000) and the .... ( ,1992)
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders IV, American Psychiatric Association, International Classification of Diseases 10, World Health Organisation
6 of 12
There is strong cross-cultural agreement for the diagnosis of disorder such as ..., although ... and ... are not as uniformly diagnosed; there are also culture-bound disorders which are not ...
Schizophrenia, anxiety, social phobia, universal
7 of 12
Research indicates that ... people continue to show poor understanding of the symptoms, possible causes and treatment of mental illness
8 of 12
Historically, people suffering from emotional or behavioural problems were believed to be ... or were accused of being ...
Possessed by demons, witches
9 of 12
They were often subjected to ..., including ..., in which a small hole was punctured in the skull of the afflicted person to allow demonic spirits to escape
Torture, trephining
10 of 12
Mental patients in sixteenth-and seventeenth-century asylums encountered ...
Abject humiliation
11 of 12
..., a French physician, is often credited with changing the asylum environment in the late ... century
Philippe Pinel, eighteenth
12 of 12
Other cards in this set
Card 2
The ... perspective asserts that mental disorders have an organic basis, as physical illnesses do
Card 3
The ... perspective maintains that mental disorders are learned patterns of maladaptive thinking and behaving
Card 4
The ... perspective suggests that mental disorders arise from an oversensitivity to the demands of others and because positive regard from others is conditional on meeting those demands
Card 5
The ... perspective focuses on how cultural variables influence the development of mental disorders and people's subjective reactions to them.
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