Chapter 14: Edward VI - The Social Impact of Religious and Economic Change under Edward VI 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryBritish monarchy - Tudors and StuartsA2/A-levelAQA Created by: MadisonxoCreated on: 25-02-19 19:46 Religion: Somerset - Jul 1547 Royal injunctions: radically protestant 1 of 12 Religion: Somerset - Dec 1547 Dissolution of Chantries: Money for FP 2 of 12 Religion: Somerset - May 1549 Book of Common Prayer: more moderate than 1547 3 of 12 Religion: Northumberland - 1552 Book of Common Prayer: radical, vestments banned 4 of 12 Religion: Northumberland - 1553 Forty-two Articles of Religion: Protestant doctrine released by Cranmer 5 of 12 Religion: General impact Catholic survivalism - hiding - decline in leaving money to church 6 of 12 Economy: Somerset Coin debasement increased Crown finances for war w/Scotland but increased inflation, poor harvest, taxation for war etc. discontent 7 of 12 Economy: Northumberland £133,333 payment for Boulogne (French), one final debasement then resorted to melting down church plate -> stability 8 of 12 The Western Rebellion: Religion 1549: Prayer Book Rebellion - rebels wanted to reverse the religious reforms which destroyed the way they experienced religion 9 of 12 The Western Rebellion: Economy Resentment to the sheep tax (Somerset) and distrust between labourors and land owners, taxation grievances. 10 of 12 Kett's Rebellion: Causes 1549: Not religion, hatred of local officials, resentment of landowners 11 of 12 Suppression of rebellions Western: Easily suppressed but needed foreign mercanaries. Kett: FAILURE originally by Northampton, eventually suppressed brutally, Kett = hanged. 12 of 12
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