Although intelligence is often represented by a single score - the ... - modern investigators do acknowledge the existence of ....
IQ, specific abilities
1 of 12
What is controversial is whether a .... also exists
General factor
2 of 12
Factor analysis is a .... technique that attempts to explain a .... with reference to ... or ... factors
Data reduction, large amount of data, one, two
3 of 12
Spearman argued that a .... factor existed (which is called ...) and demonstrated that people's scores on a variety of specific tests of ability were ....
General intelligence, g, correlated
4 of 12
He also believed that ... factors (... factors) also existed
Specific, s
5 of 12
...performed a factor analysis on 56 individual tests that revealed the existence of ... factors, not a single g factor
Thurstone, seven
6 of 12
... factor analysis on such data obtained two factors. The nature of the tests that loaded heavily on these two factors suggested the names ... intelligence (g...) and ... intelligence (g...)
Cattell's, fluid, f, crystallised, c
7 of 12
Fluid intelligence represents a person's ... and crystallised intelligence represents ...
Native ability, what a person learns..
8 of 12
... triarchic theory of intelligence attempts to integrate ... using the ... and an analysis of intelligent behaviour in the ...
Sternberg, laboratory research, information processing approach, natural environment
9 of 12
According to ..., we use ... intelligence to plan and execute tasks.
Sternberg, componential
10 of 12
We use ... intelligence to apply past strategies to new problems.
11 of 12
We use ... intelligence to adapt to, select or shape our environment
12 of 12
Other cards in this set
Card 2
What is controversial is whether a .... also exists
General factor
Card 3
Factor analysis is a .... technique that attempts to explain a .... with reference to ... or ... factors
Card 4
Spearman argued that a .... factor existed (which is called ...) and demonstrated that people's scores on a variety of specific tests of ability were ....
Card 5
He also believed that ... factors (... factors) also existed
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