Cells and Tissues
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- Created by: AsmitaG2000
- Created on: 13-11-17 21:09
What is the function of the centrioles
Centrioles are organelles that play an impart part in spindle formation during cell division.
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What is the function of the cell membrane
The function of the cell membrane is to protect the cell from its surroundings. The cell membrane controls the movement of substances in and out of cells and organelles.
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What is the function of the nucleus
The nucleus in an animal cell controls what activities happens inside the cell e.g. movement and reproduction and contains genetic material.
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What is the function of the nuclear nembrane
The nuclear membrane is also known as nuclear envelope. The nuclear membrane has the job to protect the nucleus from outside dangers. The nuclear membrane has many small openings which allows things to come in and out.
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What is the function of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum (ER)
Smooth ER is not associated with ribosomes. The smooth ER is involved in the synthesis of lipids, including cholesterol and phospholipids, which are used in the production of new cellular membrane. The smooth ER plays an important role in the synthes
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What is the function of the rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER)
Rough ER is called rough because it is studded with ribosomes and has the function of making cell proteins and acting as temporary storage area. Sometimes sugars are added to the protein to make glycoprotein. Mostly near the golf apparatus.
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What is the function of lysosomes
Can be found in all parts of the cytoplasm and are also small vesicles produced by the Golgi Apparatus. They contain powerful enzymes capable of digesting all major chemical components of living cells, sometimes called ‘suicide bags’. Can travel thro
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Function of the golgi apparatus
Golgi apparatus is responsible for taking the proteins which were created by the ribosomes. It is visible as a series of flattened, sacs that are filled with fluid. Many tiny fluid-filled bags are known as ventricles. Responsible for making lysosomes
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What is the function of ribosomes
They contain different forms of RNA and their role is to manufacture proteins, as instructed by the DNA in the nucleus. Proteins are important for growth and repair of cells. Enzymes and peptide hormones that are important in physiological processes.
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What is the function of the mitochondria
These are useful for releasing energy. Each mitochondrion has a double layered membrane, the inside layer is folded at intervals ATP is the energy-carrying molecule produced by the mitochondria through a series of chemical reactions.
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What does ADP stand for
Adenosine diphosphate
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What does ATP stand for
Adenosine triphosphate
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What is the function of adenosine triphosphate
ATP is the energy-carrying molecule produced by the mitochondria through a series of chemical reactions.
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What are the two types of epithelial tissue
Epithelial tissue consists of two types which are compound and simple epithelia. They protect underlying structures, protects all internal tissues and organs, secrete enzymes and absorb eg air.
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What is simple epithelial tissue
There are 4 types of simple epithelial tissue. They are squamous, cuboidal, columnar or ciliated.
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What is squamous epithelial tissue
Squamous cells are very flat with nucleus forming lump in the center. Delicate thin cells cannot offer much protection and their chief function allow material to pass through via diffusion and osmosis. Found in lung alveoli, capillaries etc
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What is cuboidal epithelial tissue
Cuboidal epithelium are cube shaped with spherical nuclei. They often occur in glandular tissues. They are found in the kidney tubules, sweat ducts, thyroid and breast gland.
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What is columnar epithelial tissue
Columnar epithelium are taller and have a oval nucleus. Associated with cilia, goblet cells which produce respiratory and alimentary glands and work with mucus. Found in bronchi and the small intestine.
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What are the two types of compound epithelial tissue
Compound epithelial tissue have two types. They are simple compound epithelial and keratinised compound epithelial. Protects the deeper internal structures in the body.
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What is simple compound epithelial
Simple compound epithelial This consists of several layers of cells, the outer layer which may be worn away.
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What is keratinised compound epithelium
Keratinised compound epithelium is like our skin, the outer layers of cells are dead, flattened and filled with a protein called keratin. This gives the tissue a waterproof outer layer.
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What are the types of connective tissue
Connective tissue consists of five types. They are: blood, cartilage, bone, areolar tissue and adipose (fatty tissue).
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What components does blood consist of
Blood consists of plasma, white blood cells and red blood cells.
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What is plasma
Plasma is mainly water and carries substances like carbon dioxide and glucose. Plasma protein helps to blood clot and also defend against diseases. Helps in osmotic regulation.
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What are red blood cells
Red blood cells are called erythrocytes. Erythrocytes can go through the smallest capillaries and have a lifespan of 120 days. They do not have a nucleus.
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What are white blood cells
White blood cells can be of three types. They can be leucocytes, lymphocytes and monocytes.
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What are leucocytes and granulocytes
Leucocytes have a nucleus and are less common. Granulocytes are the most common. They have granules that have lobed nucleus. Defend body from infections. Number of granules increase when you have an infection.
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What are lymphocytes
Lymphocytes have a round nucleus and are smaller. Have clear cytoplasm. Help in production of antibodies .
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What are antibodies and antigens
Antigens are found on the top service of a pathogen. Antibodies help to neutralize the antigens and prevent the microbes from multiplying. Antibodies are a type of globulin. Globulins are proteins in the plasma.
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What are monocytes
Monocytes are bigger than lymphocytes. Have clear cytoplasm and large nucleus. They can leave the circulatory blood vessels to travel to an infection site.
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What are thrombocytes
Thrombocytes are called platelets. They are important for clotting the blood.
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What is cartilage
Cartilage protects the bone ends from friction. Trapped in the matrix and sometimes split into two or four cells. It is supported by diffusion and underlying bone hot blood vessels.
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What is bone tissue made of
Bone tissue is made from calcium salts, which form around collagen fibres and give bone its hardness and collagen fibres, which offer some ability to bend under strain and prevent bone from being too brittle and therefore likely to fracture.
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What is areolar tissue
Areolar tissue is the most common tissue in the body. The matrix is semi-fluid and contains collagen and elastic fibres. Elastic fibres give flexiblity to the tissue. Dermis is a type of extra fibres which is flexible. Function is to support tissue
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What is adipose (fatty tissue)
Adipose tissue is a type of areolar tissue. The shape is like a signet ring because the fat goes to one side. Found under the heart, heart, kidneys and parts of the digestive tract. Keeps body insulated against changing weather
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What are the three types of muscle Tissue
Muscle Tissue consists of three types which are striated muscle, non-striated muscle and cardiac muscle.
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What is striated muscle (skeletal or voluntary)
Striated muscle is tissue that's under the conscious control which enables us to move bones.
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What is non-Striated muscle (smooth or involuntary)
Non-Striated muscle is concerned with many internal body processes and functions for example: peristalsis.
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What is cardiac muscle
Cardiac muscle is only found in the heart wall. It is not under conscious control and never tires.
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What is nervous tissue
The CNS and peripheral nervous system are both part of nervous tissue.
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What is the peripheral nervous system
The peripheral nervous consists of the nerves of the body which connect to the CNS. These nerves carry nerve impulses away from and towards the central nervous system.
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What is the central nervous system
The CNS consists of the brain and the spinal cord, together they control both the voluntary and involuntary actions of the body.
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What are neurones (which properties known as excitability and conductibility)
Neurones are specialized nerve cells which receive stimuli that get concerted into nerve impulses. Neurones are single cells and also in groups. Neurones consists of axons and dendrites. (Found in the spinal cord, muscles and glands)
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What is neuroglia (glial or non-excitable cells)
Neuroglia supports and protects the neurones. They are smaller and more numerous than neurones, forming over 50% of brain tissue.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
The function of the cell membrane is to protect the cell from its surroundings. The cell membrane controls the movement of substances in and out of cells and organelles.
What is the function of the cell membrane
Card 3
The nucleus in an animal cell controls what activities happens inside the cell e.g. movement and reproduction and contains genetic material.

Card 4
The nuclear membrane is also known as nuclear envelope. The nuclear membrane has the job to protect the nucleus from outside dangers. The nuclear membrane has many small openings which allows things to come in and out.

Card 5
Smooth ER is not associated with ribosomes. The smooth ER is involved in the synthesis of lipids, including cholesterol and phospholipids, which are used in the production of new cellular membrane. The smooth ER plays an important role in the synthes

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