To increase the surface area of the cell, which helps which helps with absorption and secretion functions, like diffusion.
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What is the structure of microvilli like?
Covered in plasma membrane to enclose cytoplasm and microfilaments. They have a dense bundle of cross-linked actin filaments as a structural core.
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What is the function of a nucleus?
To hold the DNA for the cell.
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What is the structure of a nucleus like?
It has a fully enclosed nuclear membrane with most of the cells genetic material inside. The material is organised as DNA inside as molecules and proteins to form chromosomes.
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What is the function of a lysosome?
To digest excess or worn out organelles, food particles and engulfed viruses/bacteria, using their digestive enzymes.
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What is the function of mitochondria?
To produce the cells energy currency through respiration, and to regulate the cellular metabolism.
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What is the structure of mitochondria like?
Has two membranes(outer and inner), the outer covers the organelle and contains it. The inner folds many times creating a layered structure called cristae. It contains a fluid called the matrix.
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What is the function of ribosomes?
To make protein, needed to repair damage, growth and other cell functions.
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What is the structure of ribosomes like?
It's composed of the small and large subunit.
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What is the function of golgi apparatus?
Modifying, sorting and packaging of proteins ready for secretion. Also involved in transportation of lipids round the cell, and creating lysosomes.
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What is the structure of the golgi apparatus like?
Unique structure made of stacks of flattened membranous sacs or cisternae.
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What is the function of a chloroplast?
To convert light energy from the sun into sugars for the cell, by photosynthesis, using the green chlorophyll molecules in each chloroplast.
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What is the structure of a chloroplast like?
Has two membranes(inner and outer), the inner one surrounds the stoma and grana which are stacks of thylakoids.
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What is the function of the rough ER?
Responsible for the assembly of proteins in the cell, in a process called translation.
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What is the function of the smooth ER?
Regulates and releases calcium ions and processes toxins.
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What is the structure of the rough and smooth ER like?
It's rough due to ribosomes attached to thr surface. It has a double membrane structure of SER and RER made from sacs called cisternae.
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What is the function of a plasma membrane?
To protect the cell, the phospholid bilayer has embedded proteins to be selectively permeable to ions and molecules, regulating in and out movement of substances in cell.
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What is the structure of a plasma membrane like?
Is a phospholid bilayer, forming a stable barrier between two aqueous compartments.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What is a prokaryote?
A unicellular organism lacking organelles or other internal membrane-bound structure. They have a single chromosome of DNA instead of a nucleus.
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