What do plant cells contain that animal cells don't?
Chloroplast, vacuole and cell wall.
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What is cell membrane?
It controls what substances go in and out of the cell. It is found in both plant and animal cells.
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What is cytoplasm?
It is a jelly-like substance, where chemical reactions happen. In plant cells there's a thin lining, whereas in animal cells most of the cell is cytoplasm. It is found in plant and animal cells.
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What is a nucleus?
It controls what happens inside the cell. It is found in plant and animal cells.
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What is a chloroplast?
It is where photosynthesis happens and it contains a green substance called chlorophyll. It is found in only plant cells.
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What is a vacuole?
It contains a liquid called cell sap which keeps the cell firm. It is found in plant cells only.
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What is a cell wall?
It is made of a tough substance called cellulose and it supports the cell. It can only be found in plant cells.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What do both animal and plant cells contain?
Cell membrane, cytoplasm and nucleus.
Card 3
What do plant cells contain that animal cells don't?
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