Cell Organelles 3.5 / 5 based on 2 ratings ? BiologyCellular processesASOCR Created by: Abby AllwoodCreated on: 30-09-13 15:06 Complex cells including all animal and plant cells Eukaryotic 1 of 11 smaller and simpler cells eg. bacteria Prokaryotic 2 of 11 Organelle that contains digestive enzymes to break down worn out parts of cells lysosome 3 of 11 The organelle where proteins are made ribosome 4 of 11 controls cells activities, found in nucleus Chromatin 5 of 11 The organelle where ribosomes are made nucleolus 6 of 11 The organelle where ATP is produced, site of respiation mitochondrion 7 of 11 The E in the organelle labelled ER Endoplasmic 8 of 11 Organelle only found in plants, the holes in cell wall for exchanging substances plasmodesmata 9 of 11 The organelle involved in the separation of chromosomes during cell division cenrtioles 10 of 11 The organelle that packages lipids (1st word) golgi 11 of 11
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