Cell ultrastructure flashcards 0.0 / 5 ? BiologyCellular processes and structureASWJEC Created by: GAdamsCreated on: 26-03-16 11:21 Which organelles contain DNA? Nucleus, mitochondria, chloroplasts 1 of 15 SER structure No ribosomes, non-uniformed 2 of 15 SER function Synthesises lipids and steroids 3 of 15 RER structure Uniformed, covered in ribosomes 4 of 15 RER function Protein synthesis: RNA is transported to ribosomes. 5 of 15 Chloroplasts: Stacks of ________ (fluid-filled disks)? Thylakoids 6 of 15 Stacks of ________ are known as...? Grana 7 of 15 Chlorophyll is found...? ...On the membranes of thylakoids. 8 of 15 Mitochondria structure Double membrane; inner membrane folds inwards to form cristae; space between cristae is matrix. 9 of 15 Mitochondria function Respiration occurs in matrix and inner membrane. ATP is produced. Ribosomes and DNA are present so that mitochondria can be reproduced. 10 of 15 Lysosome Single membrane containing catabolic enzymes that are released into the cell if it is damaged. 11 of 15 Functions of golgi body Produces secretory enzymes packed into secretory vesicles; secretes carbohydrates; produces glycoprotein; transports and stores lipids; forms lysosomes. 12 of 15 Structure of the nucleus Nuclear envelope (double membrane) with nuclear pores; nucleolus; nucleoplasm (containing chromatin). 13 of 15 Functions of the nucleolus Synthesises ribosomal RNA for ribosome production. 14 of 15 Which organism are centrioles found in? Animals, NOT plants. 15 of 15
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