Causes of Split 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryCold WarA2/A-levelEdexcel Created by: AbigailCreated on: 11-03-15 19:57 Arguments arose over the best methods of pursuing what revolution? Communist 1 of 10 Since what year it was expected for the Soviets to have the answer but who decided to make their own decisions in China? 1917, CCP 2 of 10 In terms of the pecking order, Mao considered himself to be Stalin's what but after his death, Khrushchev's what? Junior, senior 3 of 10 Mao disliked Khrushchev's policies: Khrushchev reconciled with who (leader of Yugoslav) who was unwilling to adopt what in 194_? Tito, Stalin's policies, 1948 4 of 10 Mao was heavily critical of Khrushchev's pursuit of better relations with? USA 5 of 10 Khrushchev was critical of Mao's G____ _____ _____? Great Leap Forward 6 of 10 Khrushchev's secret speech (month/year) annoyed Mao because it did what to Stalin? Feb 1956, denounced him 7 of 10 Border disputes with the USSR having how many army divisons that doubled by 197_? 15, 1970 8 of 10 The USSR refused to reduce its ties with which country that was considered to be part of Chinese sphere of influence? Mongolia 9 of 10 Soviet invasions of which country 19_8 caused the Chinese to have a different perspective on who? Czechoslovakia, 1968, Soviets 10 of 10
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