Causes of the 1905 Revolution 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryRussia - 19th and 20th centuryA2/A-levelOCR Created by: ellaCreated on: 17-02-18 11:52 What years were the three main harvest failures? 1892, 1898, 1901 1 of 13 What did peasants who moved to the cities find? Poor living and working conditions 2 of 13 How much did the population grow between 1885 and 1905? 98 million to 125 million 3 of 13 What were the Socialist Revolutionaries willing to use to get the peasants power? Violence 4 of 13 Which party split in 1905 to form the Bolsheviks and the Menshiviks? Social Democrats 5 of 13 How long did the Russo-Japanese War last? 1904-1905 6 of 13 What was the effect of the Russo-Japanese war? Russia looked weak 7 of 13 Which battle were the Russians defeated at? Battle of Tsushima 8 of 13 When was Bloody Sunday? 22nd January 1905 9 of 13 Who led Bloody Sunday? Father Gapon 10 of 13 How many were killed at Bloody Sunday? 100 11 of 13 How many were wounded at Bloody Sunday? 300 12 of 13 How did Bloody Sunday affect the tsar? He was no longer seen as the 'Little Father' 13 of 13
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