Catering key words 3.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? Home Economics: Food & NutritionGCSEWJEC Created by: Hope PattersonCreated on: 26-04-13 09:25 79532816410 Across 1. A thickening of cooked flour and fat (4) 4. Firm to the bite (7) 5. Burned cream (6) 9. Sauce made from fruit or vegetable puree (6) 10. Main course (6) Down 2. Tossed in fat (5) 3. In pastry (8) 6. To concentrate a liquid by boiling or simmering (6) 7. To cook with a flame to burn away the alcohol (6) 8. Sprinkle with cheese or breadcrumbs and browned (8)