Case Study Summary, Unit 1 (Bangladesh) 0.0 / 5 ? GeographyCase studiesASEdexcel Created by: ana_dias10Created on: 21-04-15 21:59 Flooding hazard example Bangladesh 1 of 10 Causes: (flood) Large population of 125 million 2 of 10 Causes: (flood) Experiences tropical storms/floods every year 3 of 10 Causes: (flood) Most of country is 1m above sea level 4 of 10 Impacts: (flood) Flood water is used to replenish ground water reserves 5 of 10 Impacts: (flood) Provides nutrient rich sediment for vegetablle production in the dry season 6 of 10 Impacts: (flood) Provides a resource for aqua-culture (over 10% oof annual export) 7 of 10 Impacts: (flood) Impacts of flood are more disasterous than the flood itself 8 of 10 Impacts: (flood) Spreads diseases 9 of 10 Impacts: (flood) Building costs and maintenance costs - too high for Bangladesh to afford 10 of 10
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