Case Law - Legal Profession

White v Jones (1995)
A failure of a solicitor to draw up changes to a will meant that after his death the daughters sued the firm.
1 of 6
Saif Ali v Sydney Mitchell and Co (1980)
Wrong advice on who to sue so it was too late to start proceedings with the correct recipient.
2 of 6
Hall (a firm) v Simmons (2000)
Negligent in the conduct of advocacy - new precedent for advocacy being open to negligence.
3 of 6
Griffith v Dawson (1993)
Solicitor failed to make the proper application for the divorce proceedings.
4 of 6
Rondel v Worsey (1969)
Established that Advocacy was immune from claims of negligence.
5 of 6
Abse v Smith (1986)
Solicitor was refused the right to read an agreement in court. First change to the rights of audience for solicitor began because of this. (They were allowed to make a statement after a verdict had been reached.)
6 of 6

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Card 2


Wrong advice on who to sue so it was too late to start proceedings with the correct recipient.


Saif Ali v Sydney Mitchell and Co (1980)

Card 3


Negligent in the conduct of advocacy - new precedent for advocacy being open to negligence.


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Card 4


Solicitor failed to make the proper application for the divorce proceedings.


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Card 5


Established that Advocacy was immune from claims of negligence.


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