"Giving voice to previously marginalised or silenced figures"
1 of 6
British Council
"She writes in everyday conversational language"
2 of 6
Forbes magazine
"Duffy is the antithesis of Philip Larkin"
3 of 6
Elizabeth O'Reilly
“The principal stress of the poem is a struggle between ideal and actual; inclusive terms which, however, contain more particular antitheses of pleasure and pain.”
4 of 6
Elizabeth O'Reilly
“The principal stress of the poem is a struggle between ideal and actual; inclusive terms which, however, contain more particular antitheses of pleasure and pain.”
5 of 6
Adam O'Riordan
“The principal stress of the poem is a struggle between ideal and actual; inclusive terms which, however, contain more particular antitheses of pleasure and pain.”
6 of 6
Other cards in this set
Card 2
"She writes in everyday conversational language"
British Council
Card 3
"Duffy is the antithesis of Philip Larkin"
Card 4
“The principal stress of the poem is a struggle between ideal and actual; inclusive terms which, however, contain more particular antitheses of pleasure and pain.”
Card 5
“The principal stress of the poem is a struggle between ideal and actual; inclusive terms which, however, contain more particular antitheses of pleasure and pain.”
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