Cardiovascular system

  • Created by: dbearne
  • Created on: 05-03-18 17:54
What are the 3 main functions of the cardiovascular system
Transport of substances, temperature control,
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The heart- left side step 1
Oxygenated blood from the lungs enters the left atrium through the pulminaryveins
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Left side step 2
The left atrium contracts pushing the blood through the bicuspid valve into the left ventrivle
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Left side step 3
The left ventricle contracts, pushing the blood through the left semi-lunar valve into the aorta, which carries the oxygenated blood to the rest of the body
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The heart- right side step 1
When the muscles have used the oxygen in the blood, it becomes deoxygenated
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Right side step 2
It then enters the right atrium through the vena cava vein
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Right side step 3
The right atrium contracts, pushing the blood through the tricuspid valve into the right ventricle
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Right side step 4
The right ventricle contracts, pushing the blood through the right semi-lunar valve into the pulmonary artery, which carries the blood to the lungs to be oxygenated again
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What carries blood?
Arteries, veins and capillaries
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Carry blood away from the heart. Thick muscular walls allow them to carry blood flowing at high pressure
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Carry blood towards the heart. Carry blood at a low pressure so they have thinner walls and less muscle
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Carry blood through the body to exchange oxygen, carbon dioxide and nutrients. Very thin walls so substances can easily pass through
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What is vascular shunting?
During exercise, blood is redistributed around the body to increase the supply of oxygen to your muscles
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What is vasodilation?
Blood vessels in the muscles widening to let in more blood
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What is vasoconstriction?
Blood vessels in the inactive organs narrowing to restrict the amount of blood that can flow in
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What is your blood made up of?
Cells, platelets and plasma
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Red blood cells
Carry oxygen around the body so it can be used to release energy need by muscles during physical activity
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White blood cells
Fight against disease so you stay healthy and perform well
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Help blood to clot at wounds so they dont become infected
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Carries everything in the bloodstream
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Card 2


The heart- left side step 1


Oxygenated blood from the lungs enters the left atrium through the pulminaryveins

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Left side step 2


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Card 4


Left side step 3


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


The heart- right side step 1


Preview of the front of card 5
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