
  • Created by: Lotto65
  • Created on: 09-10-16 12:26
What are monosaccharides?
Sugars that consist of only one sub-unit
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What atoms are in monosaccharides?
Carbon, hyrdogen and oxygen
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What is the general ratio of atoms in monosaccharides?
1:2:1 carbon: hydrogen: oxygen
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What is the molecular formula of ribose?
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What is the molecular formula of glucose?
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What are the similar structural features between ribose and glucose?
1) A side chain of one carbon atom with one OH group and two H groups 2) A ring of atoms, all of which are carbon except one oxygen 3) All other carbons in the ring not connected to a side chain have one H and one OH group
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Name a missed out structural feature between ribose and glucose?
The carbon connected to a side chain has a hydrogen connected to it
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Name two other monosaccharides
Galactose and fructose
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What is maltose made of?
Glucose + glucose
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What is sucrose made of?
Glucose + fructose
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What is lactose made of?
Glucose + galactose
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Name three polysaccharides
Starch, cellulose and glycogen
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What is the name of the bond connecting one monosaccharide to another?
Glycosidic bond
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What is cellulose made of?
Beta glucose sugars bonded together in an up-down-up-down formation
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The polymer of cellulose is....
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What are cellulose microfibrils?
When cellulose chains are arranged parallel to each other with hydrogen bond cross links
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What is good about the structure of cellulose microfibrils?
They have good tensile strength and are a good basis for plant cell walls
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What is starch made of?
Alpha glucose monosaccharides bonded together all in the same orientation
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The polymer of starch is...
Helical (curved)
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Name two forms of starch and the differences between them
Amylose - bonds between C1 and C4; Amylopectin - bonds between C1 and C6
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Name a structural feature of amylopectin
Has branches
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What is the use of having branches on starch molecules?
Can load or unload glucose molecules quickly because there are more points at which glucose can be added or detached
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What is the structural similarities and differences between glycogen and amylopectin?
Glycogen and amylopectin are both made of alpha glucose but glycogen has more branches so can store more glucose
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Why is glycogen used as a glucose storage instead of glucose being stored?
Glycogen is insoluble so large amounts of glucose can be stored. If glucose was stored as it was, water would enter cells by osmosis and create a risk of bursting
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Are there hydrogen bonds between starch and glycogen strands? Why?/Why not?
No because they are made of alpha glucose so are helical shaped so hydrogen bonds cannot form
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What is a use of glucose?
Needed to make energy from respiration - main energy source
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What is a use of ribose?
Used to make proteins like DNA and RNA and nucleic acids/ coenzymes
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What is the use of deoxyribose?
Used to make DNA - main component
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How does the structure of deoxyribose aid its function?
It is missing an oxygen atom which is what makes DNA have a double helical shape
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How does the structure of sucrose aid its function?
Contains glucose so enzymes can break it down and use the glucose to produce energy from respiration
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How does the structure of lactose linked to its function?
Contains glucose to produce energy for respiration- is not completely digestible so helps the bacteria in the gut to grow and flourish to digest other products
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How is the structure of glucose related to its function?
Formed when starch is broken down and glucose can be used to make energy from respiration
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How is the structure of glucose related to its function?
Many weak C-H bonds causes them to be easily broken and breaking bonds releases energy to give high energy yield
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What atoms are in monosaccharides?


Carbon, hyrdogen and oxygen

Card 3


What is the general ratio of atoms in monosaccharides?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the molecular formula of ribose?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is the molecular formula of glucose?


Preview of the front of card 5
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