Rocks which contain metals at a high enough quantity whereby it is economical to extract them
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What is the Reactivity Series -
A list of metals in order of their reactivity from most to least reactive
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How is a metals reactivity determined -
Metals are each reacted with water and dilute acids to rank their reactivity
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Reactivity Series - Order
Potassium / Sodium / Calcium / Magnesium / Aluminium / Carbon / Zinc / Iron / Tin / Lead / Hydrogen / Copper / Silver / Gold
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Displacement -
A more reactive metal will displace a less reactive metal in a compound forming a new compound and isolating the other less reactive metal
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Displacement with ores -
If the metal in the ore is less reactive than carbon, displacement is carried out so that the carbon displaces the metal forming another compound and the pure metal (E.G. Copper)
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What is an Oxidation Reaction -
When oxygen atoms are gained / A reaction where electrons are lost
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What is a Reduction Reaction -
When Oxygen atoms are lost / A reaction where electrons are gained
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Half Equations -
Half Equations are used to display oxidation and reduction reactions / They show the movement of electrons in reactions
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What is considered when extracting a metal from its ore -
How easy is it to extract / Yield of valuable metal / Changing Demands
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Extracting Less reactive metals -
These metals are often found as oxides in the ground / The oxides that are less reactive than carbon are heated in the presence of carbon to displace the metal and produce carbon dioxide
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Reduction using Hydrogen -
In some cases , carbon isn't used based on the fact it can create undesirable products / Tungsten is less reactive that carbon but is displaced with hydrogen
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Metal + Acid -->
Salt + Hydrogen / This occurs as the metal is more reactive than the hydrogen in the acid and so displaces it to from a salt
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(Neutralisation Reaction) Acid + Base -->
Salt + Water
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Salts -
The salts formed are all ionic compounds / They are made from positive and negative ions attracting each other
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How to sample pure dry salt crystals -
Run a titration to find exact quantities needed / Repeat the reaction with the exact amounts needed / Crystalise the salt by slowly evaporating the water
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Acid + Carbonate -->
Salt + Carbon Dioxide + water
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What is a base -
A substance which neutralises a acid / All alkalis are bases - Not all bases are alkalis
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pH of pure water -
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Why do acids make aqueous solutions acidic -
When an acid is in an aqueous solution it releases H+ ions which make the solution acidic
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pH Scale -
The measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a substance ranging from 1 (Most Acidic) to 14 (Most Alkaline)
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How to measure pH -
Universal indicator / Litmus paper / pH meter
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Concentrated Acids -
Concentrated acids have more acid particles in proportion to the water molecules present / The greater the concentration of an acid , the greater its harmful effects
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Strong Acids - Examples (3)
Hydrochloric Acid / Nitric Acid / Sulfuric Acid
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Weak Acids - Examples (3)
Citric Acid / Ethanoic Acid / Carbonic Acid
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Acids - Strength
Acids only reveal their properties when in an aqueous state / Strong Acids are strong because they Ionise completely in an aqueous state
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Number of H+ ions -
Concentration of H+ ions increases by a factor of 10 (10x bigger) as you go down the pH scale
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
A list of metals in order of their reactivity from most to least reactive
What is the Reactivity Series -
Card 3
Metals are each reacted with water and dilute acids to rank their reactivity
Card 4
Potassium / Sodium / Calcium / Magnesium / Aluminium / Carbon / Zinc / Iron / Tin / Lead / Hydrogen / Copper / Silver / Gold
Card 5
A more reactive metal will displace a less reactive metal in a compound forming a new compound and isolating the other less reactive metal
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