C4 0.0 / 5 ? ChemistryC4GCSEOCR Created by: mazzamarmarCreated on: 10-05-16 12:49 An element in group 1 alkali metal 1 of 8 A chemical that may destroy living tissue on contact corrosive 2 of 8 Each column (down) in the periodic table group 3 of 8 A group 7 element halogen 4 of 8 Chemicals that may cause damage to health if consumed harmful 5 of 8 A row (across) in the periodic table period 6 of 8 An ionic compound formed when an acid reacts with an alkali or a metal that reacts with an alkali or a metal that reacts with a non-metal salt 7 of 8 A poisonous chemical may lead to serious health risks or even death toxic 8 of 8
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