Business revision 0.0 / 5 ? Business StudiesBusiness case studiesGCSEEdexcel Created by: TieganSeabrookCreated on: 01-05-15 13:39 Business Somthing that provides good or services. 1 of 8 Entrepreneur Someone that starts up a business 2 of 8 Business plan The plan for a business as to where they want to go and how they will get there. 3 of 8 Unlimited liability When the owners posessions are at risk because of the debts of their business. 4 of 8 Limited liability When the owners posessions are not at risk even if their business has debt. 5 of 8 Franchising Big named businesses allowing entrepeneurs to sell products under their name. 6 of 8 Primary/field research first hand research 7 of 8 Secondary/desk research Research from what has already been produced 8 of 8
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