Business Keywords 2.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? Business StudiesAllGCSEEdexcel Created by: cshepCreated on: 25-01-15 17:33 Any organisation that makes goods or provides a service Business 1 of 13 Wants and desires of a customer Customer needs 2 of 13 Gathering of new information Primary research 3 of 13 Data that has already been collected Secondary research 4 of 13 Opinons and attitudues Qualitative data 5 of 13 Expressed as numbers Quantitive data 6 of 13 Many businesses trying to win the same market Competitive market 7 of 13 A group of products made by one business Product range 8 of 13 Increase in benefits of a good or service Added value 9 of 13 Characteristic of a product that makes it different from others Unique selling point (USP) 10 of 13 A company sells the right to use their business idea and methods at a specific location or area Franchise 11 of 13 Start and run their own business Entrepreneur 12 of 13 Willingness by an individual to take risks and show initiative in order to establish new business ventures Enterprise 13 of 13
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