The physical and tangible goods sold to the general public. They include cars and washing machines, which are referred to as durable consumer goods.Non-durable consumer goods include food, drinks and sweets that can only be used once.
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Consumer Services
Non-tangible products that are sold to the general public and include hotel accommodation, insurance
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Capital Goods
Physical goods that are used by an industry to aid in the production of other goods and services, such as machines and commercial vehicles.
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Factors of Production
Resources needed by businesses to produce goods or services.
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The Factors of Production
Land, Labour, Capital and Enterprise.
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Natural resources that can be found on the planet. This includes renewable and non-renewable natural resources such as water, wood, fish and physical land itself.
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The physical and mental human effort used in the production process.
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The finance needed to set up a business and pay for its continued operations or expansion. Also includes the man-made goods used in the production process (capital goods)
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Risk taking individuals who combine the other factors of production into a unit that is capable of producing goods and services. It provides a managing, decision-making and coordinating role.
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Business functions
Marketing, Finance, Human Resource Management and Operations Management
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The commercial processes involved in creating and designing, promoting and selling and distributing a product or service.
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The management of money and credit and banking and investments.
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Human Resource Management
The process of determining human resource needs and then recruiting, selecting, developing, motivating, evaluating, compensating, and scheduling employees to achieve organisational objectives.
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Operations Management
The management of processes used to design, supply, produce and deliver goods and services to customers.
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Primary Sector
Firms engaged in farming, fishing, oil extraction and all other industries that extract natural resources so that they can be used and processed by other firms
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Secondary Sector
Firms that manufacture and process products from natural resources, including computers, brewing, baking, clothing and construction.
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Tertiary Sector
Firms that provide services to consumers and other businesses, such as retailing, transport, insurance, banking, hotels, tourism and telecommunications.
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Organisation that are involved in the production of goods and/or the provision of services.
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Division of Labour
The specialisation of workers in the provision of goods and/or services by breaking a job down into particular roles or components that are repeated by the same workers.
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People who manage, organise and plan the other three factors of production. They are risk takers who exploit business opportunities in return for profit.
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The process experienced by a country that moves away from primary production towards manufacturing as its principal sector for national output and employment.
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Opportunity Cost
Cost measured in terms of the next best alternative forgone when a choice is being made.
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Private Sector
The part of the economy under the control of private individuals and businesses, rather than the government. Examples may include sole traders, partnerships and companies.
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Public Sector
The part of the economy that is under control of the government. Examples may include state healthy and educational services, the emergency services and roading infrastructure/
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Structural Change
A shift in the relative share of national output and employment that is attributed to each business sector; i.e. primary, secondary and tertiary sectors.
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Value Added
Is the difference between a product's price and the total cost of the inputs that went into making it. It is the extra worth created in the production process.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Non-tangible products that are sold to the general public and include hotel accommodation, insurance
Consumer Services
Card 3
Physical goods that are used by an industry to aid in the production of other goods and services, such as machines and commercial vehicles.
Card 4
Resources needed by businesses to produce goods or services.
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