Business Terms 5.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? Applied BusinessBusiness termsGCSEAQA Created by: megan-jtCreated on: 29-10-15 18:04 are physical products such as burgers or cars Goods 1 of 9 non-physical items such as hairdressing. Service 2 of 9 the wants and desires of buyers. Customer Needs 3 of 9 Firms that sell products to other businesses Suppliers 4 of 9 Revenue-cost= Profit 5 of 9 Businesses are likely to be in ___________ with other firms selling similar products Competition 6 of 9 What stage of production is making the product? Secondary 7 of 9 What stage of production is gathering raw materials? Primary 8 of 9 What stage of production is transporting and advertising? Tertiary 9 of 9