Business Marketing 0.0 / 5 ? Business StudiesMarketing mixMethods to grow a businessGCSEEdexcel Created by: rossmollieCreated on: 21-09-18 14:09 What is niche marketing? very small market segment 1 of 8 What is mass marketing? cover as much of the market as possible 2 of 8 Advantage of niche marketing? less competition 3 of 8 Disadvantage of niche marketing? smaller market size, harder to grow 4 of 8 Advantage of mass marketing? customer form the majority in the market 5 of 8 Disadvantage of mass marketing? its really expensive 6 of 8 What is market orientated? delivering products that are changed or adapted for customers needs 7 of 8 What is product orientated? they solely concentrate on making the product the best it can be 8 of 8
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