Bullet point 5- Russia

What are the four reasons for the collapse of the USSR?
Economic restructuring (perestroika), national resurgence, political (glasnost) and Yeltsin
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What was Gorby's economic aim?
If you improve the economy, people will be happier with the regime
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What is Uskorenie?When was it between?
An acceleration phase, fairly marginalized changes. 85-85
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What percentage drop was there from the anti-alcohol campaign?
9% GDP
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How much money was lost?
67 billion roubles
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When was the more radical phase? What is an example of a joint enterprise scheme?
87-89. McDonalds opened in Moscow 1990
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What did Gorby refuse to sign as part of the transition to marketforce?
500 day programme
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What did perestroika lead to?
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When was Glasnost introduced? Who were popular politicians?
1986. Yeltsin and Edward Stervandnadze
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What did Gorby introduce?
Factions- he believed Glasnost would re-invest peoples love for communism
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What crimes did he expose?
Nazi-Soviet Pact and Massacre of 1940 Polish officers
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What was democrtiziation?
Gorby introduced elections in the SU.
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What percentage of the vote did Yeltsin get in 1989 in the Congress Moscow for the deputy of Russian Congress?
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What was Gorby known as?
The Lemonade Leader
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What year did Gorby create the role as President?
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What happens in 1987?
Yeltsin berates Gorby in public
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Who does Yeltsin join sides with in 1989?
Andrea Sakhavanos (leading dissident)
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What was Yeltsin known as?
The Champion of the People
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When was the august coup?
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Who does Yeltsin look like?
A 'Kingmaker' in his role
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When does Gorby resign?
December 1991
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Since what year have soviets repressed national feelings?
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What is the political link?
Gorby sacked all 14 bosses of republics under the idea of corruption- COVERT RUSSIFICATION
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Who was there a violence between?
Azerbjan between the Azerbjians and minority groups of Armania
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What was the Tblisi Massacre?
Capital of Georgia, Soviet troops kill 19 Georgians
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Finish the quotation 'simmering discontent...
can boil'
26 of 27
What is the Union Treaty?
Gorby gave them a referendum- 70% wanted to remain. Yeltsin in 1991 gets RID of it
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What was Gorby's economic aim?


If you improve the economy, people will be happier with the regime

Card 3


What is Uskorenie?When was it between?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What percentage drop was there from the anti-alcohol campaign?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How much money was lost?


Preview of the front of card 5
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