Literally translates to worship, actually means showing respect
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Where can Puja be performed? What different types?
At home or Vihara (temple) Therevada or Mahayana
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When would Puja be performed in a different setting?
Uposatha days and Wesak
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A shrine contains a rupa - what is this?
A statue or image of The Buddha
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Where are they placed?
Above everything else in the room as a sign of importance
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Sutras are found near the shrine, what are they?
Copies of the buddha's teachings
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Offering dishes may have...
flowers, candles and incense
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flowers symbolise
annica, or impermenance
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candles symbolise
The light of The Buddha and the hope of enlightenment. A way out of the darkness of ignorance.
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incense symbolises
The spread of the Buddha's teaching around the world. Also awakens the mind.
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Another idea may be
A bell or gong to tell people it is time for meditation
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Why do Buddhists bow 3 times on festival days?
To show respect for the 3 jewels. The Buddha, the dharma and the sangha.
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Mahayana Puja has none of which C W?
Congregational worship
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The main difference is?
Can worship any Bodhisatvas, such as Avalokiteshvara
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Part 1/7 in Mahayana tradition. They bow and use mudras. What are these?
Hnad gestures. Can cultivate things such as compassion, or be used to represent and thus remember parts of Buddhist teachings.
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Part 2 of 7. The 7 offerings
2 bowls of water, food, flowers, incense, perfume and candles
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The 7 offerings represent?
elements necessary for sustaining life - shelter, warmth, light, food and water
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What is part 3/7?
Confession, in which they ask for guidance to act better
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Part 4?
A deep joy and awareness of the presence of the Bodhisatva
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Part 5?
Questioning. They ask the Bodhsitavas to turn the Dharma wheel i.e keep Buddhist teachings alive. This shows a commitment to faith and to achieving enlightenment
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Part 6?
Asking. This is where they ask the Bodhisatva to continue being of service in the world.
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Part 7
Sharing of good actions. Ay good actions made during puja are transferred to the whole of humanity, gaining punna, or good karma.
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They may chant a piece of the sutras or a mantra such as om mani padme hum.
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And the outliers?
Zen Buddhism. Focuses on Meditation. Pure Land Japanese Buddhists rely solely on puja to the Buddha Amida, who promised to grant every being enlightenment.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Where can Puja be performed? What different types?
At home or Vihara (temple) Therevada or Mahayana
Card 3
When would Puja be performed in a different setting?
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