Buddhism key words 0.0 / 5 ? Religious StudiesBuddhismASWJEC Created by: FfionGriffiths01Created on: 13-05-17 13:28 Anatta 'No-self', means no permanent self. 1 of 42 Anicca Everything is changing/impermanent 2 of 42 Arhat goal Theravada enlightenment goal 3 of 42 Bhumi Stage on the bodhisattva path 4 of 42 Bodhi tree Tree under which Siddhartha became enlightened 5 of 42 Bodhisattva 'Enlightenment Being' (Mahayana) 6 of 42 Buddha 'Enlightened or Awakened one' 7 of 42 Dana 'Giving' 8 of 42 Dasa sila Ten precepts observed by monks and nuns 9 of 42 Dharma Teaching 10 of 42 Dukkha 'Suffering' 'unsatisfactoriness'. 11 of 42 Dukkha-dukkha Physical,emotional and mental pain 12 of 42 Enlightenment Goal of buddhists 13 of 42 Karma Relationships between intentions/actions and consequences 14 of 42 Skandha The five impermanent bundles that make up a human being 15 of 42 Lakshanas Marks of existence (dukkha,anicca,anatta) 16 of 42 Lay Not ordained 17 of 42 Magga 'The way'. Eightfold path 18 of 42 Mahayana Type of buddhism 19 of 42 Meditation The practice of training the mind to become calm and to experience reality as it really is. 20 of 42 Punya 'Merit' 21 of 42 Metta bhavana Loving kindness meditation 22 of 42 Middle way Rejection of two extremes luxury and asceticism. 23 of 42 Mudra Hand gestures with parti 24 of 42 Mudra Hand gestures with particular meanings. 25 of 42 Myth Looks for the meaning rather than the truth 26 of 42 Nirvana The goal of enlightenment 27 of 42 Nirodha Cessation=the third of the four noble truths 28 of 42 Parajikas Four rules that if broken result in expulsion from the sangha. 29 of 42 Paramita 'Perfections' - characteristics of bodhisattva 30 of 42 Patimokkha Rules governing the conduct of monks and nuns 31 of 42 Pratityasamutpada Interconnectedness 32 of 42 Samsara Cycle of rebirth 33 of 42 Samatha Form of meditation. Fouceses on the breath 34 of 42 Sangha Buddhist community 35 of 42 Tanha 'Craving' 36 of 42 Therevada Oldest form of buddhism 37 of 42 Uposatha days Days of renewed commitment to the dharma 38 of 42 Vihara Monastery (Theravada) 39 of 42 Viparinama-dukkha Dukkah produced by change 40 of 42 Vipassana Insight meditation 41 of 42 Zazen 'Sitting' form of meditation. 42 of 42
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