BTEC Sport Unit 1
- Created by: chloeessam
- Created on: 19-01-17 13:48
Other questions in this quiz
2. What is parasympathetic nervous system known as?
- Known as 'rest & digest'
- Known as 'flight or fight'
- Known as 'fight or flight'
- Known as 'digest & relax'
3. What is the definition of stroke volume?
- The amount of blood put out through 1 contraction in the blood
- Amount of Oxygenated blood converted
- The amount of blood pumped through the circulatory system
- When the heart beats with more force
4. What is the effects of a sympathetic nervous system?
- Causing the blood flow to become blocked
- When the body prepares for intense physical activity
- When the body relaxes & slows many high energy functions
5. Definition of an increased heart rate?
- When the heart beats with more force
- Number of heartbeats per unit of time, usually per minute
- When the number of heartbeats slows down per minute
- When an increase in water gets added to the blood stream everytime the heart beats.
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