PE- Sport and exercise physiology
5.0 / 5 based on 1 rating
- Created by: Daisy_michell
- Created on: 04-11-16 13:40
What is the Musculoskeletal system?
*Consists of muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones and cartalidge. *The function is to support and move the body. *It is controlled by the nurvous system to produce voluntary movement. *Nerve impulses cause muscles to contract.
1 of 38
What are the musculoskeletal responses to physical activity?
*Increased blood suply. * Increased muscle pliability. * Increased range of movement. *Muscle fibre tears.
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What 4 main responses do muscle tissues have?
Excitability, Contractibility, Extensibility, Elasticity
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Explain increased blood supply.
muscle contraction produces heat and as much as 70% of body heat is produced by energy production in muscle tissue. GASEOUS EXCHANGE: the greater demand for oxygen is met by an increase in blood supply through capillary dilation.
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Explain increase in muscle pliability.
Warming of muscles makes them more pliable and reduces the risk of injury and damage.
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Explain increased range of movement.
Acute responses to the skeletal system is demonstrated by changes within the joints. Joint movement stimulates the secretion of synoval fluid. the fluid becomes less viscous andf the range of movement at the joint increases.
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What are the three energy systems?
1) Phosphocreatine system (PCR) 2) Lactic anerobic energy system 3) Aerobic system
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What is the ATP-PC system?
PC is important for providing high contractions of power.
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Advantages of the ATP-PC system?
*ATP is produced quickly *PC stores can replenish within 3-5 mins. *No fatiguing by-products. *The ATP-PC system cna be extended through the use of creatine supplment.
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Disadvantages of the ATP-PC systen?
*Limited supply of PC in body. * 1 ATP molecule regenerates for 1 molecule of PC. *Regeneration of ATP can only take place in the presence of oxygen
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What sports can you use the ATP-PC system in?
100m sprint, Tennis serve, football sprint, netball shot, 100m swimming race, golf
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Where is ATP broken down?
In the sarcoplasm of a muscle.
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What is the lactate aerobic system?
Once PC is depleated (10 secs) the lactate anerobic system takes over and regenerates ATP from the breakdown of glucose. Glucose has 6 carbon molecules which split into 2 pyruvate molecules consisting of 3 carbon molecules each. the fist pyruvate mol
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What is the lactate aerobic system? (Explain diagram)
Glucose has 6 carbon molecules which split into 2 pyruvate molecules consisting of 3 carbon molecules each. the first pyruvate molecule makes 2NADH and the second pyruvate molecule makes 2ATP. (No oxygen is neded in this process.
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What sports can you use the lactate anerobic system in?
(Activities for 1-3 mins): Boxing, 400m, Swimming 200M
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Advantages of the Anerobic lactic system.
*ATP can be regenerated quickly due to a few chemical reactions being completed. *With oxygen, lactic acid is converted back into glycogen, from glycogen then converted into pyruvate. *Useful for producing an extra burst of energy
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Disadvantages of the Anerobic lactic system.
* Lactic acid is produced as a bi-product. * Onloy a small amount of energy released from glycogen while under anerobic conditions.
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What does OBLA stand for?
Onset Blood Lactate Accumlation
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What is OBLA?
The point at which the concentration of lactic acid in the blood rapidly increases.
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What is the normal value of rest or anerobic exercise?
1-2MMOL lactic acid/litre of blood.
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What is the value of rest or anerobic exercise in which you become OBLA?
Above 4MMOL
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Who has the ability to increase ability to remove waste products and supply oxygen to working muscles?
Highly trained athletes.
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What is buffering?
Aids the removal of lactic acid and maintains acidity levels in the blood and muscles.
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Explain the factors affecting OBLA...
*Exercise intensity *training more
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Explain training more...
Muscle adaptations occur as a result in training. more mitochondira, mitogobin and capillary density wil
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Explain exercise intensity...
During high intensity exercise the body can only maintain the work load witht the use glycogen as a fuel
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Explain the KREB cycle...
After anerobic glyolosisthe body doesnt understand pyruvate having 3 carbon molecules, so co2 takes one molecule away which makes acetyl-COA which then makes oxalocetric which has 3 carbon molecules.
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What molecules are in the KREB cycle?
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How moany molecules of ATP does the KREB cycle make? and how?
38 molecules by forming in the electron transport chsinn in the presence of hydrogen and oxygen.
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What is BETA oxidation?
After you brun off 38 ATP fats can be used as an energy source in the aerobic system.
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What are the advantages of the aerobic system?
* More ATP produced than anerobic systems. * No fatiguing by-products. * Plenty of oxygen and trigliceride stores.
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What are the disadvantages of the aerobic system?
* can take oxygen a while to become available. *Fatty acid transportation to musckle sites are slow
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what is the cardiovascular system made up of?
Heart, Blood vessels and the blood
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what do the arterys do?
carry blood AWAY from the heart
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what do the veins do?
carry blood TO the heart
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what are the short term effects of exercise on the cardiovascular system?
*onset of exercise releases adrenaline *Stroke volume increase *blood is redeirected to the key muscle groups. * blood temp rises cooling the body
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What are the long term effectsd of the cardiovascular system?
*Hypertrophy of the heart * Increased cardiac out put *Blood pressure and heart rate decreases. * quicker recovery rate
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What is the purpose of the cardiovascular system?
*To remove waste products. *Train different energy ststems. *A good health indicator
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What are the musculoskeletal responses to physical activity?
*Increased blood suply. * Increased muscle pliability. * Increased range of movement. *Muscle fibre tears.
Card 3
What 4 main responses do muscle tissues have?

Card 4
Explain increased blood supply.

Card 5
Explain increase in muscle pliability.

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