Through increasing an individual's 'feel-good factor'
1 of 20
How may economical health be achieved?
Reduced costs to NHS and reduced absenteen from work.
2 of 20
How may social health be achieved?
Sports teams and clubs as well as develeoping social skills and friendships.
3 of 20
What does a balanced diet consist of?
Vitamins/Minerals, Dairy, Protein, Fats and Carbohydrates
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How many calories should you eat daily?
Men = average of 2500kcal per day Women = average of 1900kcal per day
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How much Carbohydrates should be in our daily needs.
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What is the purpose of Protein?
Builds new cells and restores as well as reapirs tissues.
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What do the Government Recommendations say about a balanced diet?
5 portions of fruit and veg that are varied, lower fat/dairy and eat fish twicle plus less red/processed meats.
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What are OAA's and what do they promote?
Outdoor Adventurous Activities which are increasingly popular as part of team building exercises. They promote endorphin release and improve confidence.
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How many hours of physical activity should children and adults participate in?
Children = 60mins per day of moderate to vigarous intensity of physical activity. Adults = Over a week activity should add up tp at least 150mins of moderate intensity exercise.
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What are the recommended guidlines for alcohol consumption?
For both men and women it is 14 units per week.
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What is the drug that is taken into the bloodstream whilst smoking?
Nicotine. It is an addictive drug which raises the heart rate and blood pressure.
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What is acute and chronic bronchitus?
This is a condition that inflames the lining of the bronchi. Smoking causes damage to the tiny hairs (cillia) lining the airways rendering them more susceptible to infection.
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What is cirrhosis and which negaitive lifestyle factor does it link to?
Cirrhosis is the damage of the liver with scar tissue and it is a health risk associated with excessive alcohol consumption.
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How is transport a lifestyle modification technique that needs to change?
Not everyone has access to a car and may rely on public transport to participate. This can add to additional expense.
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What is a sedentary lifestye?
A type of lifestyle with no or irregular exercise. This includes sitting, reading, watching TV, playing video games and computer use for much of the day eith little or no vigarous physical activity.
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What is a strategy for quitting smoking?
Accupuncture = A traditional Chinese therapy used to stimulate release of endorphins.
17 of 20
What is the screening process?
This is the first step in assessing whether an individual is suitable to do physical activity. It asks about an individual's current health status, diet, goals and potential health conditions that may affect exercise.
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What is the definition of validity and reliablity?
Validity = Relates to whether the test actually measures what it sets out to do. Reliability = Is a question of whether the test is accurate - it is important to ensure that the procedure is correctly maintained for ALL individuals
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What can the waist to hip ratio determine?
It can determine obesity and those at risk of heart conditions. Readings of the circumference of the waist and hips will determine the ratio.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
How may economical health be achieved?
Reduced costs to NHS and reduced absenteen from work.
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