Btec ict revision 0.0 / 5 ? ICTictBTEC NationalEdexcel Created by: KameronCreated on: 05-04-22 11:12 what does VLE stand for? Virtual Learning Environment 1 of 8 what does ICT stand for? Information Communication Technology 2 of 8 what is a Blue-Ray? High capacity storage 3 of 8 How many characters should a strong password be? eight 4 of 8 Is the CPU the stomach of the computer? The CPU is referred as the stomach of the computer 5 of 8 are there ICT laws? yes 6 of 8 What is packet switching? Packet switching breaks messages up into small pieces known as packets 7 of 8 one advantage of packet switching over the Internet? Each packet is sent separately across the network. 8 of 8