British Foreign Policy 1783-1830
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- Created by: On_to_good_things
- Created on: 07-06-17 13:38
Who were France's friends in 1783?
Spain, Russia, Austria, Germany
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Why was Britain isolated from other countries in Europe?
Other countries were unhappy about Britain's policy of searching foreign ships
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Which country was Briatain's ally in 1783?
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Why did Britain have strong links with the United Provinces?
William of Orange had previously been King of Britain
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Which class (of society) in the UP resented Britain?
The Merchant Class
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Which major trading route in the UP was important to Britain?
The Scheldt River
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How would France's domination of the UP threaten British security policy?
It would mean that there was one major power dominating the coastline opposite Britain
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Which treaty did Pitt make in 1786 with France?
The Eden Treaty
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Which countries were part of the Triple Alliance?
Britain, Russia, Prussia
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Which country sent 20,000 troops to aid the UP Stadtholder?
Prussia (the wife of the Stadtholder was the sister of the Prussian King)
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Which country sent money and ammunition to aid the UP Stadtholder, but no troops?
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Were the Patriots defeated in the UP?
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What was a positive effect of the Triple Alliance?
It ended British isolation and French expansion into the Low countries
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Name 3 positives about the situation in 1790
France hadn't influenced the United Provinces, the Eden Treaty brought solid economic benifits, the Triple Alliance brought Britain out of isolation, Pitt built up the navy
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Name 2 negatives about the situation in 1790
The French still had ambitions in the Netherlands, Russian expansion was a possible threat to India, the French Revolution of 1789 brought uncertainty
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Name 5 reasons why Britain didn't interfere in France before 1793
The Revolution wasn't seen as a problem by Pitt initially, the King was a poor ruler, France could become a Constitutional Monarchy, if France became more democratic it could encourage trade, the weakness of France allowed Britain to focus on Russia
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When did the French King lose control?
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Name 3 things that happened in 1792
King Louis XVI was executed, France invaded and occupied Belgium, France declared a ban on British shipping, France invaded Holland
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In which year did Pitt declare war?
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How was the situation (war) in 1797?
It was going badly; there was a financial strain, building coalitions against France was failing and Austria was defeated as well as the Netherlands and Spain changing sides
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Name a positive and a negative from the situation in 1807
Britain was successful at sea and safe from invasion but was isolated again - Russia, Prussia and Austria had all signed peace treaties
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Describe Britain's navy in 1793
It had 661 naval vessels in comparison to Frnace's 291, was well led and
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Name 3 ways in whcih Pitt used Britain's wealth and financial system effectively, and one set back
He could provide allies with money (not troops), could raise taxes to meet wartime expenditure (less debt), was forced to treble indirect taxation and introduced income tax in 1799 (however this only raised £6m when it was expected to produce £10m)
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How were Pitt's war speeches?
Were solidly argued and had a clear position but lacked fire and weren't intended to appeal to the public
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Name 2 aspects of "limited deployment"
Pitt wanted to deploy ships rather than troops; from 1793-1802 Pitt subsidised Prussia and Austria by £9 million
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Name 3 limitations of Pitt as a war leader
In 1802 he supported the end of war even if it meant lost territory, the "blue water strategy" didn't bring victory, the French had taken control of the Netherlands and Italy, Britains allies were divided and poorly led
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Name all 5 British Foreign Policy aims
Prevent one power from dominating Europe, Coastline can't be controlled by single power (protect low country independence), Ensure effective alliances, ensure Russia doesn't become too powerful or threaten India, protect and promote trade
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Were Britain's 5 Foreign Policy Aims achieved?
France dominated continental Europe, the Low countries were under French domination, 3 coalitions had broken down before 1793, Russia made an agreement with France to dominate the world, trade was interrupted by war and the Continental system
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What was the continental system and when was it introduced?
1806 - it forbade European ports from accepting British goods
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Name 3 ways in which Britain opposed France during the war
Britain finianced coalitions against France, maintained a naval blockade, fought a naval war and maintained a long war in Spain
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Did Britain continue subsidizing allies after Pitt's death?
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What did Britain's naval vessels have the right to do?
To stop, search and seize cargo from ships carrying goods between enemy ports, and to block enemy ports (this led to the continental system)
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Which 3 countries did Napoleon invade and why?
Portugal and Spain because they opposed the continental system and Russia because of a breakdown in French-Russian relations
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What did Britain depend on more than other countries? (in comparison to other countries)
trade and industry
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Which battle in which year defeated most of the French and Spanish fleet?
The Battle of Trafalgar
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What gave Britain an advantage in Spain?
they could bring in fresh troops and supplies via sea
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Where was the bulk of Britain's landed warfare?
Portugal and Spain
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What was Portugal's like to Britain and in which way did it oppose Napoleon?
One of Britain's oldest allies, refused continental system
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When was there resistance in Spain?
When Napoleon's brother Joseph was made king
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When were the first British forces in Portugal?
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How many French soldiers were permitted to leave with arms intact? In which year and what allowed this?
20,000 (in 1808?)
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Name 3 further reasons why Britain won the peninsula war
Napoleon didn't return to Frane in 1808, Freanch commaders quarelled and lacked experienced troops, Spain lacked agriculture, Wellington could rely on troops & supplies via the sea, "Spanish Ulcer" long and costly for Napoleon
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Which countries fought against France in the battle of Waterloo and how many troops were involved?
Britain (24K), Germany and Belgium (17K). France had 72,000 troops
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Give 2 reasons why Britain's role was important in defeating Napoleon
British naval power was a major factor, British success in Spain led Russia to reject the continental system in 1810
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Give 3 reasons why Britain's role in defeating Napoleon was less important
They contributed very little to the land fighting (never more than 60K troops in Spain), blockades broght hostile USA & European reactions & caused economic problems at home
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Why was Britain isolated from other countries in Europe?
Other countries were unhappy about Britain's policy of searching foreign ships
Card 3
Which country was Briatain's ally in 1783?
Card 4
Why did Britain have strong links with the United Provinces?
Card 5
Which class (of society) in the UP resented Britain?
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