British Empire (Individuals)-1857-1914 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryThe British Empire and the fall of colonialismASAQA Created by: Witchy_WiccanCreated on: 19-06-17 14:05 Executed 30 Christians in Uganda in 1886 King Mwanga 1 of 21 Killed in 1885 during the Mahdi Uprising in Sudan General Gordan 2 of 21 Who hosted the Brussels Conference (1876) King Leopold 3 of 21 Who was Prime Minister of Cape-Colony in 1890 Cecil Rhodes 4 of 21 Who wanted votes for the Uitlanders Alfred Milner 5 of 21 Owned a ship at the British India Navigation Company Sir William Mackinnon 6 of 21 Approved the Dufferin Report and Granville Doctrine (Egypt) Sir Evelyn Baring 7 of 21 Found David Livingstone in 1871 Henry Stanley 8 of 21 Got lost finding the source of the Nile (1871) David Livingstone 9 of 21 Discovered Lake Victoria John Hanning Speke 10 of 21 Formed the Central African Trading Company (1876) which received a charter in 1879 George Goldie 11 of 21 Brought 44% of Suez Canal shares for £4M Disreali 12 of 21 Described as the Reluctant Imperialist and Supported Irish Home Rule Gladstone 13 of 21 Imperialist Writer who wrote The Jungle Book Rudyard Kipling 14 of 21 Colonial Secretary who supported Tariff Reforms (1895-1903) Joseph Chamberline 15 of 21 British Governor of Sierra Leone that introduced the "Hut Tax" Colonel Cardew 16 of 21 Group the Rose up several times in Sudan Mahdists 17 of 21 Fronted the Swadeshi Campaign Tilak 18 of 21 Dutch Settlers in Africa Boers 19 of 21 General label given to around 600 ethnic groups/tribes in Africa Bantu 20 of 21 Largest ethnic group of the Bantu and refused to accept British rule Zulu 21 of 21