Bread revision 0.0 / 5 ? Home Economics: Food & NutritionBreadGCSEAQA Created by: 20TSimonsCreated on: 28-11-22 22:30 What does the fermentation process trap in bread? Carbon Dioxide 1 of 8 What is needed for the fermentation process? Yeast 2 of 8 What flour type has the most gluten? Strong 3 of 8 What is the method for shaping dough? Kneading 4 of 8 What is the process in which dough is allowed to rest and rise? Proofing 5 of 8 Where can fresh bread be stored to keep fresh? Breadbin 6 of 8 What is flour made of? Wheat 7 of 8 What temperature what do you use for fermentation process? Warm 8 of 8
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