botany cell cytology

  • Created by: shady zax
  • Created on: 05-07-17 03:43
cell theory. developed by? in the year?
developed by: german botanist Jokab Scheien and zoologist Theodor Schwann in the year 1839 .
1 of 5
cell theory..the three statements
1. all cells come from re existing cells. 2. cells are the functional unit of life. 3. all cells contain the heriditary information for regulating cell function available for transmission to new cells
2 of 5
cell type
somatic or germline....eukaryotic or prokaryotic
3 of 5
cell wall discovered by
Robert Hooke in 1665
4 of 5
three layers of cell wall
middle lamala...primary cell wall...secondary cell wall
5 of 5

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Card 2


cell theory..the three statements


1. all cells come from re existing cells. 2. cells are the functional unit of life. 3. all cells contain the heriditary information for regulating cell function available for transmission to new cells

Card 3


cell type


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


cell wall discovered by


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


three layers of cell wall


Preview of the front of card 5


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