The songs help the audience understand aspects of the plot but also allow the emotions and thoughts of the characters to be expressed.
1 of 5
Musical form
‘Blood Brothers’ is in the form of a musical with a strong, hard-hitting story about poverty which may surprise an audience expecting a cheerful tale.
2 of 5
The Narrator plays an important part in ‘Blood Brothers’, commenting on the background to plot and characters, and emphasising the theme of fate and bad luck.
3 of 5
The language used by the two families is very different: the Johnstone family use informal vocabulary, the Lyons family more formal speech, demonstrating class differences.
4 of 5
‘Blood Brothers’ has a circular structure as the tragic outcome is given at the start and the play then tells how that outcome was reached.
5 of 5
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Card 2
Musical form
‘Blood Brothers’ is in the form of a musical with a strong, hard-hitting story about poverty which may surprise an audience expecting a cheerful tale.
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