Block 4 "facts" and figures 0.0 / 5 ? GeographygeogUniversityNone Created by: joshknight_Created on: 25-05-15 17:37 Longhurst 1997: Body is an absent presence 1 of 20 It is difficult to separate the body... ... in terms of social and biological elements 2 of 20 The body is... ... shaped on a daily basis 3 of 20 Different societies have... ... different ideas about the perfect body 4 of 20 Ideal man and woman: Man: tall, muscular, lean and active; Woman: tall, skinny, white and young 5 of 20 Overweight Social construct formed during childhood; seen as less hard-working and less successful 6 of 20 UK Gym (case study) 95% of population live within 2 miles of gym; 60% of normal-weight women think they are overweight; $10B spent on diet products 7 of 20 UK Cosmetics (case study) 2007: 32,000 cosmetic procedures; 89% on women; £490M per year 8 of 20 It takes 6 months to... ... realise you are your own body; responses are nurtured in early life as well 9 of 20 Process of identification and projection What is similar and what's not 10 of 20 Holt 2011: Children are othered by adults; not necessarily a bad thing as everyone was once a child 11 of 20 Children's limitations Alcohol, gambling, driving etc; they are dependents confined to their own areas, they don't have the ability to go wherever they want 12 of 20 Childhood is... ... a social construct 13 of 20 Moral panic "Student does this", "student does that"; drunk girl analogy 14 of 20 Segregation of youths Only two in one area at a time; outcry at another group being treated the same 15 of 20 Britain's teenagers Worst-behaved in Europe - justification to confine them?; attributed to breakdown of community and family life 16 of 20 Othering of disable people Even calling a disabled person heroic is a form of othering 17 of 20 Small people... ... can be (positively) discriminated against e.g. rollercoasters 18 of 20 Britain's disabled Gaining employment can be harder and once employed it is likely that a disabled person will receive a lower salary 19 of 20 Disabled associations Tragedy; dependency; weakness; lack of mental competency 20 of 20
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