Biomechanical principles and levers 0.0 / 5 ? Physical EducationBiomechanicsA2/A-levelAQA Created by: ollie dowellCreated on: 27-03-17 13:47 linear motion motion in a straight or curved line, with all body parts moving the same distance at the same speed in the same direction 1 of 18 inertia the resistance an object has to change in its state of motion 2 of 18 newtons first law of inertia a force is required to change the state of motion 3 of 18 newtons second law of acceleration the size and direcion of the force determines the size and direction of the acceleration 4 of 18 newtons third law of motion for every action there is a equal and opposite reaction 5 of 18 ground reaction force the equal and opposite force exerted on the performer who applies muscular force n the ground 6 of 18 scalar quantity measurements are described in terms of there size 7 of 18 centre of mass the point of balance 8 of 18 line of gravity this is the line extending vertically downwards from the centre of *** 9 of 18 area of support the larger the area, the greater the stability 10 of 18 fulcrum point of which the lever rotates 11 of 18 resistance weight to be moved by the lever system 12 of 18 effort force applied by the muscle of the lever system 13 of 18 1st class lever the fulcrum lies between the effort and resistance 14 of 18 2nd class lever the resistance is between the fulcrum and effort 15 of 18 3nd class lever the effort is between the fulcrum and the resistance 16 of 18 force arm the length of the line between where the fulcrum and effort 17 of 18 resistance arm the length of the line between where the fulcrum and the resistance are labelled 18 of 18
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