Biology Revision
0.0 / 5
- Biology
- Adaptations of organisms to their environmentDNA and inheritanceHomeostasisMedicine and drugsNervous system, hormones and behaviour
- Created by: kingak
- Created on: 14-04-15 21:26
Definition of a hormone
a chemical substance that coordinates many processes within your body
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Definition of a gland
gland makes and releases hormones into your body
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Give the order of the Central Nervous System
stimulus --> sense organ --> sensory neurone --> relay neurone --> brain --> relay neurone --> motor neurone --> effector
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What is the main job of the nervous system?
Enables you to react to your surroundings and coordinate your behaviour by carrying electrical signals (impulses).
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What does the FSH do?
It secretes from the pituitary gland. It stimulates the ovaries to produce oestrogen. It makes the egg mature in ovaries.
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What does the Oestrogen do?
in secretes from the ovaries. It stops FSH being produced so only one egg stimulates
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What does the LH do?
It secretes from the pituitary gland. It causes the mature egg to be release from ovary.
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What is a contraceptive?
A pill containing female sex hormones which is used to prevent conception
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What do kidneys control?
Control the amount of salt and water lost in your urine.
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Why are drugs addictive?`
Drugs change chemical processes in your body.
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What is the perform enhancing drug called?
Anabolic steroids.
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How do organisms survive in many different conditions?
Organisms have features (adaptations) that enable them to survive in the conditions in which they normally live.
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How can hair help animals survive in very cold conditions?
Animals that are adapted for cold environment are often large, with small surface are: volume ratio.
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How are plants adapted to live in dry conditions?
Plant adaptations for surviving in dry conditions include reducing the surface area of the leaves, having water-storage tissues and having extensive root systems. (think of cactus)
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What is competition & What makes a good competitor?
Animals compete with each other for food, territories and mates. Animals have adaptations that make them good competitors.
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What do plants compete for?
Light, Water, Nutrients (minerals in soil)
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How can we measure environmental changes?
Using non-living indicators. ( Living organisms can be used as indicators of pollution )
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What is biomass and where does it come from?
Biological material from living or recently living organisms. It comes from radiation from the Sun (main source of energy). The light's energy is captured&used by green plants and algae during photosynthesis.
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Order of biomass pyramid.
TOP TO BOTTOM : Biomass of tertiary consumer (carnivore), Biomass of secondary consumer (carnivore), Biomass of primary consumer (herbivore), Biomass of plants (producers)
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How is some energy transferred to the environment?
This is because some material and energy are always lost in waste materials, and some are used for respiration to supply energy for living processes. Much of the energy is eventually transpe
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What is the carbon cycle?
Constant cycling of carbon. Carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere by photosynthesis. It is returned to the atmosphere through respiration and combustion.
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Why do things decay?
Materials decay because they are broken down by mircro-organisms. Micro-organisms digest quicker in warm, moist conditions.
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Why is the decay process important?
The decay processs release substanses that plants need to grow.
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How do parents pass on genetic information to their offspring?
Through sex cells (gametes)
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What is a clone?
The genetically identical offsprin of asexual reproduction are known as clones.
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How do we clone animals?
Embryo cloning means giving a top-quality cow fertility hormone so that it produces a lot of eggs. You use the sperm from really good bull to fertilise it. (Transplanting cloned embryos).
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What are the steps in the techniques of adult cell cloning?
In adult cell cloning the nucleus of a cell from an adult animal is transferred to an empty egg cell from another animal. A small electric shock causes the egg cell to begin to divide and starts embryos development.
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What is genetic engineering?
Genes can be transferred to the cells of animals and plants at an early stage of their development so they develop desired characteristics.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Definition of a gland
gland makes and releases hormones into your body
Card 3
Give the order of the Central Nervous System
Card 4
What is the main job of the nervous system?
Card 5
What does the FSH do?
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